Sunday 27 October 2013

One week on

Hardly seems like a week since all those goodbyes at Malvern.

The week has been a bit odd without the urgency and purpose of needing to get to Malvern to do things or catch up with how things are going.

What's been great is to see that the spirt of the week has gone being shared on Facebook (note to self to find people's Twitter names) and it just confirms how great a week it was.

This will be the last post on this blog - it's been a bit too personal and is probably useless for seminar evaluation!

I've been thinking about the seminar since it finished and this what I have come up with:

Bad things
Not being able to get internet access sorted out for everyone - I know this was a bit of frustration and will cut down on the amount people could blog

Not being around all the time, particularly the Sunday afternoon and evening - I think I would have got to know some people better.

Never having travelled when I was a member - I missed out

Good things
To be part of it all - I was just going to do a few spreadsheets and check how the money was spent and maybe call over for a day or an evening to see what the results were.

All of the participants - I'm not sure I've ever seen a group bond so quickly or so tightly. When I ran my sessions, the enthusiasm and how they responded was incredible

The prep team - they all did so much work and planning for the week and it all paid off and so much work during the week with commitment that I couldn't match.

Claire - the seminar was her vision, and it was her drive to deliver it and deliver it well kept everyone going.

I'm wearing my seminar hoodie today, because its cold and rainy (typical Malvern weather) but at least I have that to remind me of what a week it was.

1 comment:

  1. Instead of blogging there were more communications between us so at end I would say it was a good thing that the internet wasn't so good. :)
