Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Saturday afternoon and Sunday - emotionally and physically drained

On Saturday afternoon, I had to go and see a friend to help with his tax return - and that was when the tiredness kicked in. I probably did drift off for a fraction of a second but the rumble strip on the motorway brought me back pretty quickly and I stopped for coffee pretty quickly afterwards.

I drove quite slowly on the way home and stopped a couple of times along the way and the fact that it really was all over started to dawn, but I was too tired to try and do anything else but sleep.

On Sunday, I was scoring the live and carcase competition so it was a busy day so I didn't think of things too much, but when I got home, ate, stuck a picture of the pig onto facebook, I had a drink and read through my fuzzy notes and that was happy and sad all at the same time.

I asked someone of the prep team how they felt and they didn't know - I couldn't say either, but empty was about as close as I could get

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