Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Friday evening - near the end, and everyone knows it

I was later back to Malvern than I was planning and when I got back the wedding reception was in full swing and I didn't want to interrupt the party so I went into the internet cafe and started writing my fuzzy notes.

That was a much much longer job than I thought - just the prep team took nearly three quarters of an hour, not because of struggling to find nice things to say but because of finding the right words for what I wanted to say.

 As I carried on with mine, the room slowly filled up with people with just the same idea. There was one big difference - whenever I had been there during the week people were chatting, listening to music and so there was a bit of a buzz in the room. Now it was quiet and almost serious and people were concentrating on their writing for exactly the same reasons as I had been concentrating on mine.

I wrote too many times that I wished I had got to know some participants better and I expect that this will be biggest regret from the week.

In the games room it was then time for the certificate and gift presentations - probably one of the most emotional experiences that I have been a part of in my time in YFC. The combination of sharing the experiences of the week, realising that it was something special and knowing that it was almost over was almost overwhelming.

The prep team did a fantastic job of highlighting the strenghts and contributions of the members of their groups and you could see their connection as people went around hugging members of the prep team and I was touched to be included in those hugs even though I didnt really deserve them - especially when someone ran across the room because they had missed me out!

After a little while I crept quietly away - I said some goodbyes to people who were flying out and I did miss a couple though

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