Saturday, 12 October 2013


Today was supposed to be a simple and straightforward day - collect some bottles of water, copy some stuff onto USB sticks and generally help out as the participants arrived. So far so good until the participants arrived and started working on their blogs and thats when the problems started with participants not being able to connect to the internet - which is a bit of a problem when you want to write a blog!

Everyone was very patient and understanding and hopefully we have bodged up something that will work so that people can get online if they need to this evening and hopefully it will be working OK in the morning too.

The seminar is much more real today - having never been to a seminar or the Rally the number of people that would be around was just a number on a spreadsheet and now most of them are here!

I perhaps should have stayed over tonight for the icebreaker games, but I'm worried about my sessions on Monday and although I haven't done as much work on them tonight as I would want, I've been doing a lot of thinking about it. Hopefully there will be some time tomorrow to work on it even though I will be away for the afternoon - I'm hoping to at least see the start of the international buffet!

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